Assess Effectiveness through Role Development & Business Impact

Business Impact Metrics

Seller Development Metrics

Metrics that reflect a sellers ability to engage an account with the right messaging and develop the buyer network 

  • Positioning the vision
  • Navigating the account
  • Demonstrating the capabilities
  • Differentiating from competition
  • Impact modeling & positioning
  • Alignment & implementation plan

Metrics that reflect a sellers impact on the organizations sales pipeline and bottom line revenue

  • Time to identified champion
  • Opportunity identification to pipeline
  • Time to first deal
  • Deal cycle time / Deal size
  • MoM/YoY MQL to SQL conversion
  • YoY Increase in ramped vs ramping reps
  • It is important to measure both skill progression and impact on the business
  • Role development requires baselining, continual assessment and certification
  • Metrics need to be the “truth source” and openly shared with individuals and teams